Gardening With The Littles

Get Gardening with Your Kiddos!

It’s not a secret that I have a brown thumb. Truthfully anything I attempt to plant, if I’m successful to even get it in the dirt properly, usually ends up dying. However, in our new home I have made a firm commitment to embrace it, make our new yard our own and enjoy it while doing it! Enter my girls…

Greer loves helping Mike and I in the yard. She typically doesn’t get bored easily (as her big sis jumps from one thing to the next 😝). So Mike and I decided to suit Greer up with some fun outdoor|gardening tools! She’s been having a blast with them all spring|summer! Take a look and have a shop so you can equip your little ones to be a successful help!


We have this one…

But we are ready to upgrade to this one…

Gardening Tools:

Greer Loves Our Gardening Tool Bag Set…

And These Tools Have Been So Helpful + Fun…


Images credit to each brand.