Holiday Gifts (Teachers, Bus Drivers, Crossing Guards, Instructors, etc)

Yes, we are going there. Believe it or not, Halloween is right around the corner and after that I feel like someone speeds up the clock until the Holiday season. I think what gets me EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. is how I think I have more time for teacher/crossing guard/bus driver/etc gifts. But then…da da da daaaa…IT’S THE BEGINNING OF DECEMBER and I am scrambling! Whether you give to a teacher fund in the beginning of the year and just need a token gift, or need to give a stellar “thank you” gift this is the way to go. These token gifts act as a big thank you for caring for our little ones when they are not with us, right?! We like to be 1. practical, 2. thoughtful and 3. fun with our gifts for teachers and all other peeps that care for my child in place of us. So, I almost always give them…

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